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枸杞玫瑰花茶 /Goji Berry Rose Tea



  • 1、食材放入养生壶的过滤网中
  • 2、加适量水,选择花茶功能泡好即可喝


Efficacy: Lycium barbarum has the effect of benefiting the liver and improving eyesight. Roses are very friendly to us women.

Suitable for the crowd: suitable for little fairies who love beauty, people who often stay up late

  1. Put the ingredients into the filter of the health pot
  2. Add appropriate amount of water, select the scented tea function and drink it after brewing
    Tips: This tea can be drunk every day except during menstruation. Roses promote blood circulation, and drinking it during menstruation may increase the amount of menstruation. If you like it sweeter, you can add some chrysanthemum! Honey can also be added.
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百合山药甜汤 / Lily Yam Sweet Soup

  • 新鲜百合洗净,山药斜切成约5mm厚的小片,然后将百合、山药、枸杞、红枣和冰糖加入养生壶里
  • 将水倒入养生壶至500ml刻度线,然后选择10分钟的“精煮”模式


Wash the fresh lily, cut the yam obliquely into small pieces about 5mm thick, then add the lily, yam, wolfberry, red dates and rock sugar into the health pot
Pour water into the health pot to the 500ml mark, and then select the “delicate cooking” mode for 10 minutes
TIPS: For ingredients that are prone to foaming, it is recommended to tilt the lid when cooking to prevent overflow. After 10 minutes of fine cooking, the sweet lily yam soup is ready

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红豆西米露 / Red Bean Sago


  • 将赤小豆提前一晚加水浸泡至泡软,西米洗净后用清水浸泡约半个小时。
  • 将赤小豆连带泡豆的水倒入养生壶中持续煮豆,直至将豆煮软,加入少许冰糖,煮至粘稠盛出冷藏。
  • 将泡好的西米倒入养生壶,加水煮,煮的过程中需要注意用勺子一直搅拌,煮至西米变得透明并浮到水面为止,将西米捞出放入碗中,加入凉水过凉,再用漏勺重新捞出,这样西米会更晶莹透亮且可口。
  • 将蜜豆水与纯牛奶倒入西米中,喜欢甜的小盆友还可以稍微加一些炼乳,搅拌后放入冰箱稍微冷藏一下,取出后即可食用。


Efficacy: Dessert, good health product

Soak Chixiaodou overnight in water until soft. Wash the sago and soak in water for about half an hour.
Pour the Chixiaodou together with the water used to soak the beans into the health pot and continue to cook the beans until the beans are soft, add a little rock sugar, cook until it becomes sticky, take out and refrigerate.
Pour the soaked sago into the health pot, add water and cook. During the cooking process, you need to pay attention to stirring with a spoon until the sago becomes transparent and floats to the surface of the water. Take out the sago and put it in a bowl, add cold water to cool it, and then take it out again with a colander, so that the sago will be more crystal clear and delicious.
Pour the honey bean water and pure milk into the sago. For those who like sweetness, you can also add a little condensed milk. After stirring, put it in the refrigerator for a while, and then take it out and eat it.
Small TIPS: Red beans and sago are very nutritious. For a good taste, add more sugar to make it delicious. Add sugar in moderation!

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桂圆红枣汤 / Longan Red Date Soup


  • 将材料洗净
  • 把红枣、桂圆、枸杞子洗干净放入养生壶,加水煮沸


Efficacy: Jujube has high vitamin content and can nourish qi and blood. It is a super tonic for women when combined with longan and brown sugar. It can warm the palace and relieve dysmenorrhea.

wash the material
Wash the red dates, longan, and medlar, put them in the health pot, add water and boil
Small TIPS: Red dates and brown sugar water can dispel wind and cold, invigorate qi and benefit blood, but do not drink it during the menstrual period, so as to avoid excessive blood volume, drink it in moderation, as drinking too much can easily get heaty.

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玫瑰蜂蜜茶 / Rose honey tea



  • 将水倒入养生壶煮沸后放入红茶包,冲泡约6分钟
  • 将玫瑰分朵放入红茶液内拌一拌,继续煮沸
  • 程序结束后,倒入蜂蜜,并加入柠檬片就可以了

Efficacy: Mild in nature, reducing internal heat, can regulate blood gas, promote blood circulation, beautify the skin, and have the functions of eliminating fatigue, healing wounds, and protecting the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Long-term drinking can also help promote metabolism and play a role in weight loss and fat loss.

Ingredients: 6 roses, 1 small bag of black tea, a tablespoon of honey, a small slice of lemon

Pour the water into the health pot to boil, put in the black tea bag, and brew for about 6 minutes
Put the roses into the black tea liquid and stir, continue to boil

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Health Preserving Kettle -Steamed Eggs 养生壶版水蒸蛋

1. Add salt to the eggs, beaten the lard and the cooking wine. The thinner the dao, the better. 

2. Add the three  times warm water of the egg mixture, and beat well while adding water. 

3. Finally, filter out the bubbles and add the stew Place the required water level in the cup, 

4. then put in the stewing pot, click the boiling water function, after the end, click a flower nectar function for 5 minutes, and then click the end to be stuffy for two or three minutes.

1. 鸡蛋加盐,猪油和料酒打匀,打的越细越好,

2. 加入蛋液的三倍温水,边加水边打匀,

3. 最后,把泡沫过滤掉,养生壶内加入炖盅放置需要的水位,

4. 然后把炖盅放入,点烧水功能,结束之后点一个花果茶功能5分钟,然后点结束闷两三分钟就可以咯